
Full form of computer: -  
C - Commonly       साधारणतया       Calculate
O - Operator          संचालक            Operate
M - Machine          यंत्र                    Memorize
P - Particular         खास                 Print
U - User                   उपयोगी             Update
T - Trade                 व्यापार              Tabulate
E - Education         शिक्षा                 Edit
R - Research          अनुसंधान            Responsible

Definition of the computer-

  • Computer is an electronics device which stores data and gives us appropriate information in particular order.
  • Computer is an electronic device that takes input from the user in the form of data of instructions, processes the data according to the given instructions and generates the output.

Classification of computer -

  • Computer has been grouped or classified on the basis of (i) data being supplied and (ii) CPU speed, Memory capacity (RAM Capacity), Word  length (Buses)
There are three types of computer on the basis of data being supplied.
They are as following: -
Analog computer:- Such computer which works on continuous data
supply is called Analog computer.
Use- In the big hospitals.
Hybrid computer: - Such computer which works on continuous and
discontinuous data supply is called hybrid computer.
Use- Aerodrome
Digital computer: - Such computer which works on the basis of digits is
called digital computer.
Use- All offices, institution, and related education centre.
There are four computers on the 2nd base.
There are four types of computer on the basis of CPU speed, Memory
capacity and word length -
They are following: -
1. Micro Computer
2. Mini Computer
3. Main frame Computer and
4. Super Computer

Types of Computer

Desktop Computer:- It is also called a personal computer and it is used in offices and homes.
Laptop:- It is a portable computer integrated (जोड़ना ) with a display screen,
keyboard, trackball, processor and memory.
Tablet: - It is a kind of microcomputer with an electromagnetic pen, touch screen and software that recognizes letters written on a screen.
Smartphone: - It is a mobile phone that provides various additional features.
Mainframe computer: - It is a large sized computer that is designed for multitasking.
Supercomputer : - It consists (में होना) of a large number of processors and occupies (जगह छेकना) a huge amount of space.
Embedded computer: - It is a type of computer that is embedded
(सन्निहित) in the circuits of various electrical and digital appliances.

Features of Computer

Speed- A computer is a very fast device that can perform tedious tasks in a fraction of seconds. The speed of a computer can be measured in  picoseconds that are nothing but trillionth part of a second.
Accuracy – The computer is an accurate machine. Errors can occur in a computer, but these are mainly due to human rather than technological  weakness.
Diligence: - A computer is free from the human traits of tiredness or bored. Due to this property computers, obviously (जाहिर है) score over human beings in doing routine type of jobs which required great accuracy.
Power of Remembering: - A computer can store and recall any amount of information because of its secondary storage.
Who is the father of computer?
Charles Babbage is the father of computer.
Who is the mother of Computer?
Ada Lovelace is the mother of computer.
Parts of computer
Monitor-Monitor is an output unit through which you can get information.
It is also a visual display unit. Without it you cannot do any work. It is just like a TV but does different work.
It has two wires (Power plug & Data Cable). Data cable is connected with CPU and Power plug is connected with UPS.
Mouse- Mouse is an input unit through which you can do different types of work.
It has three buttons they are:-
(I.) Right (ii) Left button & (iii) Scroll
Keyboard- Keyboard is an input unit through which you can do different types of work. It has Data Cable which is connected with CPU.It has 107  keys. They are divided into five groups – types of work. It has data cable  which is connected with CPU
They are –
Function keys                          (F1 to F12).
Numeric keys                             (0 to 9)
Alphabetic keys                         (A to Z)
Arrow keys                           (Four arrows)
And special keys.
UPS- Uninterrupted Power Supply is the full name of UPS. It has two types of work 1st-It supplies accurate current and 2nd - It gives 5 to 10  minutes’ backup. It has three Power sockets; generally (आम तौर पर), you connect power cables of Monitor, CPU and Printer in these sockets. We use mostly 0.5 KV UPS. You must run system with UPS for better service.
CPU-Full form of CPU is Central Processing Unit. It is very important part of computer system. It is the brain of computer because without it  you cannot do any work in computer system. All types of processing works are done by it. It has lots of sockets in which you can connect data cables as per required.
Processor, Hard disk, RAM, Mother Board and others are assembled inside the CPU.
Sound- Sound is an output unit through it you can listen the different
types of song.
Printer- Printer is also an output unit through it you can get print out of
written text.
Computer- You have entered the era (युग) of information, where electronic items have brought about a total revolution in our day to day life. A time  has come when computers have entered almost every field of life be it  education, medicine, sports, films or space research. Whether one wishes  to be a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, an architect, a businessman or anything else, he will have to use computer in his field to enhance (बढ़ाना) the quality production and to do that which is impossible without  computer.
RAM- RAM stands for Random access memory and it is by nature volatile
memory. It loses its data after power supply has been cut off. Speed of any
computer depends on Ram capacity. There are two types of RAM - static
and dynamic RAM.
ROM- Read only memory is the extension of ROM and it is by nature nonvolatile memory. It doesn’t lose its data even if there is no power  supply. You cannot write in this memory. There are two types of ROM.
They are PROM and EPROM.
BIOS – Full form of BIOS is basic input output system. It is permanent software and written in Rom. All types of set up are done by this. When  you start system, it shows brief information regarding hardware  component of system.

Difference between electronics and electrical: -

Electronics – Such device which is run with the help of D/C current is known as Electronics device.
Such as- Computer, Fan, Fridge, TV, DVD and others.
Electrical- Such device which is run with the help of A/C current is known as electrical.
Such as- Bulb, Wire, Heater and others Write about Disk.
Disk-Disk is a place in which you can store different types of files and folders. There are three types of disk:-
Floppy disk, Compact disk and Hard disk.
Floppy disk- It is a storing place in which you can store files and folders. It has no lot of space in it you can store short matter or small files. It is very important unit for us because by the help of it you can load or unload  any files or folders from one system to another.
Compact disk- It is also a storing place in which you can store different types of files or folders. It has lot of space compare than floppy disk. It is  also a very important unit for us. Through it you can also Load or unload  the files and folders from one system to another.
Hard disk- It is very important unit for computer system. Without it you cannot save any file in computer system. Memory capacity of computer is  depending upon hard disk. Hard disk is also a storing place in it you can  load different types of files and folders. It has lot of space compare than  floppy disk and compact disk. It is secondary memory of computer.
Today 20 GB to 2000 GB hard disk is available in the market.
What are data? Explain
A message which is given by us in computer system that is called data.
Types of data: -
There are three types of data –

  1. Numeric data- A data in which you use only numbers (0-9) that is called numeric data. 
  2. Alphabetic data- A data in which you use only alphabets (A-Z) that is called alphabetic data. 
  3. Alphanumeric data- A data in which you use numbers and  alphabetical character that is called alphanumeric data.  

What is information?
A message which is given by computer to us that is called information.

In simple words: -

  • Data means input and
  • Information means output
  • Whatever you feed that is data
  • Whatever you get that is information 
What is I.P.O cycle?
I-Input            P-Process             O- Output
Input- Such unit through which you can send message in computer system that is called input unit.
Such as- Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner etc.
Processing– Such unit which solves our all types of problems that is called processing unit.
Such as-CPU
Output-Such unit through which you get information that is called output unit.
Such as- Monitor, sound, Printer and others.

Full form of these words

  • IT-           Information Technology
  • BCA-       Bachelor of Computer Application.
  • DTP-       Desktop Publishing
  • DCA-       Diploma in Computer Application
  • ADCA-    Advance Diploma in Computer Application.
  • WAN-     Wide Area Network.
  • LAN-       Local Area Network
  • WWW-   World Wide Web
  • CD-          Compact Disk
  • VCD-        Video Compact Disk.
  • VGA-        Visual Graphical Adapter
  • CU-           Control Unit.
  • CUI-         Character User Interface
  • GUI-        Graphical User Interface
  • ENIAC-   Electronics Numeric Integrator and Calculator
  • BINAC-   Binary Automatic Computer
  • EDSAC-   Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
  • UNIVAC- Universal Automatic Computer
  • IC-            Integrated Circuit
  • SSI-          Small Scale Integration
  • LSI-          Large Scale Integration
  • VLSI-       Very Large Scale Integration.
  • ULSI-       Ultra large scale integration
  • TMC-       Tabulating Machine Company
  • PC-           Personal computer
  • PC-XT-    Personal Computer Extended Technology
  • PC-AT-    Personal Computer Advanced Technology
  • MOS-      Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor
  • CPM-      Character per Minute
  • CPS-        Character per Second
  • DPI-        Dot per Inch
  • CPU-       Central Processing Unit
  • VDU-      Visual Display Unit
  • ALU-      Arithmetic and Logic Unit
  • UPS-       Uninterrupted Power Supply
  • SMPS -   Switch Mode Power Supply
  • BIOS -    Basic Input Output System
  • MMKB- Multimedia Keyboard
  • IBM -     International Business Machine
  • RAM-     Random Access Memory
  • ROM-     Read Only Memory
  • ADC -     Analog Digital Converter
  • AI -         Artificial Intelligence
  • ALGOL- Algorithmic Language
  • ASCII-    American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  • ATM-      Automatic Teller Machine
  • BARC -   The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
  • BASIC-   Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  • BSNL -   Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
  • CAD-      Computer Aided Design
  • CAM-     Computer Aided Machine
  • CD ROM - Compact Disc Read Only Memory
  • CD RW - Compact Disc Read and Write
  • COBOL - Common Business Oriented Language
  • CRT -       Cathode Ray Tube
  • DRAM -  Dynamic Ram
  • DAC -      Digital Analog Converter
  • DBMS -   Database Management System
  • DCL -      Digital Command Language
  • DFD -      Data Flow Diagram
  • DNS-       Domain Name System
  • DRDO-    The Defense Research and Development Organization
  • DVD-      Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc
  • E-Mail - Electronic Mail
  • E-PROM- Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  • EBCDIC- Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
  • EDP    -        Electronic Data Processing
  • FORTRAN -   Formula Translation
  • FTP -        File Transfer Protocol
  • HTML -    Hyper Text Markup Language
  • HTTP -     Hyper Text transfer Protocol
  • ISDN -      Integrated Services Digital Network
  • KBPS -      Kilo Byte per Second
  • LCD -        Liquid Crystal Display
  • Man -       Metropolitan Area Network
  • MICR -     Magnetic Ink Character Reader
  • Modem - Modulator Demodulator
  • MTNL -    Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited
  • NAL -        National Aerospace Laboratories
  • NIC -          Network Interface Card
  • OCR -        Optical Character Reader
  • OMR -       Optical Mark Reader
  • PDL -         Program Design Language
  • POS -         Point of Scales
  • PROM -     Programmable Read Only Memory
  • PSTN -       Public Switched Telephone Network
  • RPG -         Report Program Generator
  • TFT -          Thin Film Transistor
  • WIMAX -   Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
  • WLL -         Wireless Local Loop
  • WORM   -   Write Once Read Many
  • URL   -         Uniform Resource Locator
  • USB     -       Universal Serial Bus
  • VSNL    -     Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited

How to start computer?  

Switch on the main board/UPS/CPU/Monitor after that wait sometime after waiting you will get a beautiful screen on that screen you will see arrow with damroo now again wait sometime after waiting you will getonly arrow without damroo. Now computer will ready to show any perform.
How to close computer system?
After closing all packages if you want to close computer system, in this condition click on start menu after clicking click on power symbol now click on shut down option


By..Rajesh Kumar Yadav
Phone:- 7479764720

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